Saturday, August 17, 2024

Oliver+S 2+2 Blouse and Pleated Skirt for Isabelle

 My last post was Elsa and Nic's wedding and this one is an outfit for their sweet baby girl, Izzie.

The 2+2 blouse and skirt was always a favourite of mine.

So many sweet photos.

Elsa likes quite pretty, girly clothes for Izzie whereas I am a bit girl-ed out and tend to go with a earthy palette so I asked Liddy to choose the fabrics.

The pale blue with rosebuds is a very old remnant that came from my late mother's stash. The pink cotton drill was from a job lot of fabric I purchased from Bullrush many years ago. Both pieces were less than 1/2 a metre.

Lidia choses pink buttons (I would have plumped for mother of pearl) but I think she was right. They are the perfect pink match to the skirt. The skirt button is very special. A dear friend purchased them for me in Hong Kong. They have wee holes that you can thread with your choice of embroidery thread.

The perfect finishing touch.

Be still my beating heart!

This sweet girl looks like her Daddy.

I was reading an old blog post hat suggested a skirt on a baby was like putting flippers on a duckling, superfluous. However, I cannot argue with how adorable it looks and is not constricting on her in any way.

Liddy was right, the pink buttons are perfection.

I think I shall enjoy my 'Nan Era'.

Thank you for reading... keep safe and well.

xx Nicole.


  1. Congratulations on becoming a grandmother!! I am so happy for you! The outfit is charming and Izzie is beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous sewing for this little one.

    1. Thank you Karen. She is the sweetest, happiest baby. Elsa is an amazing Mum.

  2. Congratulations! She's beautiful!! What a sweetie =)

    1. Thank you Mindy, I am enjoying pulling my O+S out for my sweet Miss Izzie.
